Gateways To Growth and Maturity Through the Life of Esther

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog revival needed

I really do miss sharing my thoughts on this blog. However, the limited number of followers hasn't seemed to warrant continuing it. Then several persons recently commented to me: "I haven't seen any new blogs from you for awhile. You're not quitting it, are you?"

Oh boy. What to do? I do try to publish two or three articles weekly on my column on and also on my General Education column on that site. Those sites are so different from the personal blogging though, that my personal writing itch would like a scratching now and then -- (like the pups' ears).

Speaking of writing. I'm so thrilled that one of my articles has been accepted for a Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and a second story has made it to the final round. I had previously been published in two of the Cup of Comfort series. Other than those submissions, I have not really written new stuff for the print markets. So this was a blessing.

If the canine kids knew that their capers were not being shared, I wonder how they'd feel? Neglected? Relieved? Hmm. Well, here goes. Daisy still scratches, in spite of all the stuff that's been tried to alleviate the problem. Hopefully, it will calm down in the colder weather. Mitzi continues to clean Daisy's eyes, and demand that I join her in a tug of war with one of her 10 ropes. When she's really happy, she performs her Bichon blitz.

Well, that's a brief update for the few friends who might check up on me. See ya' later!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Memory Lane

My Writer’s Journal has served as a “book of remembrance” that I open from time to time. I came across this entry today, which I had also published in my spring 1996 Newsletter. Walk down Memory Lane with me as you read:

“Lord, I never did like that sticky stuff! I wanted to be sure that Beau (my Dalmatian) didn’t strangle himself in the cord from the mini blind, so in my effort to move it, I got trapped in a strip of flypaper hanging from the ceiling. (Remember that stuff?) Now, that paper had hung there for a week and only caught three flies. How come it zapped me? There I was all dressed for church and wrapped in sticky, gooey stuff. I just couldn’t get it off my hands.

“Later, as I played my guitar for the worship service, a fly kept landing on my nose. I wonder why?”
 "You reminded me, Lord, that life sometimes gets “sticky.” We can get into situations that just won’t let go. But what I desire, Lord, is to get so close to You that You just can’t get me off Your hands. This road to intimacy with You began at the old gold chair on my knees in the dinky blue and white mobile home in the mountain. I was desperately crying out to You when You said, “I’ve been waiting to be gracious to you. I’ve heard your cry, and I’ll not hide from you any longer” (a word from Isaiah 30). That was the beginning of a wonderful romance. Thank You, Lord, for “sticking” by me.                                                                                                        Love, Penny"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Are you ready for a God moment?

We have “God moments” – called such because they are of God. God is in them. We are quickened. God’s breath is on our cheek. Time seems to stop, or at least stand still – for a profound moment. As recorded in Luke 2:32, Jesus was to be a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of His people Israel. Simeon was waiting for Light and Glory for Gentile and Jew.

Max Lucado writes in One Incredible Moment, “Simeon: the man who knew how to wait for the arrival of Christ. The way he waited for the first coming is a model for how we should wait for the Second Coming.” Simeon’s moment occurred 40 days after the birth of Jesus, according to the Law of Moses. The days of Mary’s purification were accomplished. The parents took their child from Bethlehem to the temple in Jerusalem, along with their sacrifice of “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons” (as prescribed in Leviticus). The Holy Ghost had spoken to Simeon before these events, according to Luke 2:26; and in the next verse we learn that when they came to the house of God it was customary to come with an offering. However, in verse 27 we see that there is another way to come. Simeon came “by the Spirit”. It was a God moment.
Anna had her God moment by confirming Simeon’s prophecy about the birth of Jesus. Mary, we learn, “kept all these things in her heart.” For Mary, it was one moment among many – and more to come. Simeon and Anna had waited for this moment – the arrival of Jesus – and it came; their God moment. We too, are waiting for the arrival of Jesus in His Second Coming. Simeon and Anna give us a formula for success:

How to Wait for His Arrival 
  1. See - Commit to it. Allow God to open your spiritual eyes.
  2. Hear – Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings.
  3. Come – To the temple. He is within. Commune with Him. There is a way to wait and a way to come. Simeon had vision. He had already “seen” in His spirit
Simeon was just and devout Let this short lesson speak to your heart. True, we live in troubled times. The worst kind of vandalism is spiritual wreckage in a life. Guard against it. Be ready to sound an alarm. Do not allow Satan to steal your peace or your joy.

Monday, May 16, 2011

African congregation feels like home

It was a thrill to worship with an African congregation yesterday. We sang in Swahili and English and the sermon, which was delivered in English was interpreted into Swahili. I felt like I'd come home. Next week I will have the privilege to minister in this church, both in the Bible Class and the Morning Worship Service. I appreciate your prayers. The church is in Chelsea, Massachusetts. This opportunity came to me via the Cosgrove's. Bless them, Lord! They know my heart for Africa. I also would like you to pray for my African brother, John Kaoto and his church in Suna, Kenya, East Africa. When we visited the church in 2001, we left money for sorely needed buildings to house a latrine and cooking kitchen at the church property in the bush. This year the wind storms blew them over. Now the people have to use the bush, where there is the danger of poisonous snakes. Please pray for provision for this need -- and should the Lord move upon you to contribute, just contact me for the information. Blessings!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Keys to revelation

Check out my article at

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Winter Woes

Dear Blog Readers -- if you are still out there

I've been delinquent in the matter of posting entries on you. But I do have a good reason. My responsibility of posting articles on has been extremely time consuming. There has so much to learn, and my pea brain is not a rubber band. I've had to stretch and wrap my brain around procedures. In the midst of all this my computer developed a super belly ache. Now, it had been burping on and off for years, but with the help of a friend (bless you, Dave) we managed to de-burp it now and then. (I just about threw it over my shoulder a few times, but the Lord stopped me.) It had served me faithfully for 11 years. I decided it was time to partially retire it and invest in a newby. Now, a new adventure awaited -- getting used to a new 'puter with a different version of Windows. So here I am -- finally posting my woes.

As you may suspect, the posting on examiner site and the  'puter issues were not the only woes. We were spared from severe winter storms as far as snow is concerned; but the high winds and extremely cold temps were a problem. The skirting on the home went bye-byes with the winds. I was chasing skirting all over the place. Much of it is torn as a result -- and the home itself now looks naked without it's skirt. (Sort of like a woman's spindly legs without her skirt to cover!) But I'm safe, with walls and a roof, heat and electricity. I am indeed counting my blessings, especially when I view the Japan devestation. How we need to pray for those people.

Anyhow, I'm back. I'll try my best to tune in at least three times weekly. I hope you'll check me out on as well.

Blessings to you!
P.S. -- The crazy canine kids are still doing their capers!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Windy Woes

Some of the damages
We have experienced severe wind storms over the past several days. I was wondering if a tornado was on the way. Yesterday, the manufactured home in which I live suffered damages. The skirting on three of the four sides blew off completely. Many of the panels were torn. I chased them as they blew into the wooded area behind the home. I prayed that the siding would not be stripped as well. This is a major damage with which to cope. All of the under flooring is exposed. I'll post a photo when I have one. If this need comes to mind, please pray for a rapid resolution. Thank you!

Monday, February 7, 2011

...and the puppy plot thickens

Many of you are aware that Hershey's mommy is in a rehab setting after illness and subsequent surgery. So Hershey has two of us who are taking care of him. You also know that Mitzi and Daisy are with me most of the time. Today, a medical emergency arose, which left another little puddle jumper in need of a temporary home. His mommy is in the hospital. I had heard about it, and thought, well I can't help with this. My hands are full. The little guy was on his way to a kennel. He had never been in a kennel before. How much trouble could this little guy be? I couldn't stand it. I picked up the phone, made the call and said, "Let's give it a try for a few days and see if it can be worked out. So Riley is with Ruthie tonight and will be coming here tomorrow morning. (Pray for me.)    -- PS -- Riley did return home. Isn't he a cute little tyke?

Friday, January 28, 2011

My mix is all talked up!

My fame is spreading far and wide. Not exactly the kind of fame I want. I'm known for twisting words around. When this happens to me, I usually don't realize it for a few seconds -- and then it hits. I'll never live down some of these tongue twisters. Like the time I said "Wayne and Blendy" for Blain and Wendy. I've yet to live that one down.

Yesterday I did it again. At the end of a telephone conversation, I said, "Well, I'm going to go out and snovel show" now. There was dead silence on the other end of the phone, and I thought, something didn't sound right . . ." It hit the both of us at once, and we howled with laughter.

Yep, I've been snoveling show ever since. How talked up can your mix get?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Fast?

I've just posted an article on, which asks the question, "Why Fast?"
Our pastor at Agape Fellowship had presented the proposition of fasting in the Sunday morning sermon. Without mentioning the various types of fasting that one can employ, let me share here a fast that a friend shared with me (not mentioning names). This fast is so appealing that I immediately decided to join with her in this fast. She said (and I quote) -- "I'm fasting on fasting!" Wanna come along? (smile)

Now, just in case someone out there takes us seriously, please read the article to which I referred. We are indeed joining our hearts to commit (in some way) to fasting in the weeks ahead. Wanna join us - for real!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh no -- not again

The weather report calls for another winter storm, starting tonight. Granted, we haven't gotten more than four inches (at least where I reside). Here's my logic:

Every time I fill the shovel with snow, I am lifting 8 to 10 inches of snow. Now, I not only lift it, but I have to carry it to a destination or pitch it, again to a destination -- out of the way. Here's another problem. If I pitch it, it doesn't always land on target. If I carry it, I face other threats -- like slipping or worse scenario, falling.

Now, while all this is taking place -- the shoveling, pitching, carrying, slipping, not to mention freezing and sweating, all at the same time -- the canine kids are on the tie-outs, watching (and enjoying) the show. As I huff and puff (with a smile, of course), the question arises in my inquiring mind. Why didn't God create the canine kingdom to be able to somehow help to remove the snow. That reminds me of a word of exhortation from my Nana when I was in my innocense: "Don't eat yellow snow."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It was the closest I ever came to taking a spill without actually doing it. Picture this if you can:
I was putting the canine kids out for their final nighttime potty. Fastening the dual leash onto them, and then the tie-out, I stepped out on the porch. I decided to take the garland off the bannister so it wouldn't get snowed on because I wanted to pack it away. Just as I got to the bannister, Daisy gave a lion-like roar and dashed off the porch, dragging Mitzi after her -- and me -- almost, but not quite. The tie-out was wrapped around my ankles, so when Daisy charged (probably after a cat) my strapped ankles flew straight out. I grabbed the bannister and there I was, horizontal! Thank the Lord for the bannister, or I would have had a very rough landing. By the way, both ankles got rope burns, even through my thick socks. Again, we're defying odds. Jesus had mercy -- in spite of me.`

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Falling Blackbirds

Blackbird, male singing (Photo by Malene, Wikimedia Commons)
Only twenty-four?

According to the newscasters, there were at least sixty black birds that fell from the sky – not just once, but twice in as many days. What is happening?

Last Spring, a number of black birds landed in the lot behind my home. I counted 24 of them, and thought about that line in the nursery rhyme that I used to recite to my sons: “For and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.” (What a gruesome thought!). Several weeks later, again 24 black birds visited my lot.

Just last week, a flock of the shiny, black visitors were back, enjoying a feast at the feeder on a pole in my yard. This time, I didn’t count them. Then I heard about the black birds dropping from the sky.

There are different theories about the falling blackbirds. Perhaps something in the environment – a governmental interference – or an insecticide – or this or that.

If you have any thoughts on the subject, I invite you to comment.

(I recommend an article about the blackbirds on the Dothan Christianity Examiner site at Joseph Parker gives some insightful, provoking thoughts.)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Love covers WHAT ???

I was brushing my teeth yesterday morning, when my thoughts went to a certain individual who is involved in a questionable relationship. (Stop sweating -- it's not you.) I began to formulate a prayer in my mind. Suddenly, these words stepped up center stage: Love covers a multitude of sins. The scripture in Peter's epistle reads "Charity covers, etc." because the Greek word "charity" means "love". So, ok, Lord, I thought how does this apply to my thoughts about this one who is in need of change? Here's what I learned through my search of the scriptures:

The Greek language has a number of different words translated "cover" in our English versions of the New Testament; but the word used in this passage of scripture means to purposely conceal or to keep from exposure. Talk about grace! Then the Lord reminded me that we are forgiven of our trespasses to the extent that we forgive others who have trespassed against us.

As I rinsed toothpaste from my mouth yesterday, I realized that the marvelous grace of God is to flow through me to this one in need. I am not to judge his actions, but to love. Hopefully, that demo of love will reap a harvest in his life. So enjoy love as you both receive and give.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

To my precious family and friends

May your New Year hold blessings beyond your comprehension. I pray that you will walk in the love of the Lord every step that you take. When you turn to the right or the left, may His voice clearly lead you into His perfect way. I pray that good health and well being will be your daily portion, and that your every need will be fully met. May your spiritual understanding be opened as never before, and your life be filled with peace and joy -- even in the midst of circumstances that are difficult. Be blessed with the blessings of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Happy New Year!
P.S. Mitzi sends her love too!