Gateways To Growth and Maturity Through the Life of Esther

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It was the closest I ever came to taking a spill without actually doing it. Picture this if you can:
I was putting the canine kids out for their final nighttime potty. Fastening the dual leash onto them, and then the tie-out, I stepped out on the porch. I decided to take the garland off the bannister so it wouldn't get snowed on because I wanted to pack it away. Just as I got to the bannister, Daisy gave a lion-like roar and dashed off the porch, dragging Mitzi after her -- and me -- almost, but not quite. The tie-out was wrapped around my ankles, so when Daisy charged (probably after a cat) my strapped ankles flew straight out. I grabbed the bannister and there I was, horizontal! Thank the Lord for the bannister, or I would have had a very rough landing. By the way, both ankles got rope burns, even through my thick socks. Again, we're defying odds. Jesus had mercy -- in spite of me.`


  1. I'm glad you're okay, Penny! The Lord surely protected you.


  2. My daughter-in-law thinks a video of some of my antics would be worth a bundle!
