Gateways To Growth and Maturity Through the Life of Esther

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pesty Pooches --- (Pampered too!)

They are wonderful -- and wicked! Two peas in a pod are Mitzi and Daisy -- little white fluffy Bichon Frisse` doggies. How did this happen to me? I'm a large dog person. Or even medium. I owned a miniature daschund once, for 18 years. He was on my lap for 18 years too. Oh, I wouldn't have traded him for anything, but when he went to doggie heaven, I decided I would now own my own lap (except for the grands, of course). Now, here I am with two inherited rescue doggies -- you guessed it -- on my lap!
Penny -- the lapless one


  1. Hi Penny -

    Thanks for the link!

    I enjoyed your posts and have signed up as a Follower. :)


  2. It was fun to watch you and Mitzi from the beginning, when she was being kept on a trial basis. She adopted you immediately and was impatiently waiting for you to catch up . . . every time you said you had not made up your mind yet she gave you *such* a look.

  3. You can't help but love those lil things
