I really do miss sharing my thoughts on this blog. However, the limited number of followers hasn't seemed to warrant continuing it. Then several persons recently commented to me: "I haven't seen any new blogs from you for awhile. You're not quitting it, are you?"
Oh boy. What to do? I do try to publish two or three articles weekly on my column on www.examiner.com/western-religions-in-harrisburg and also on my General Education column on that site. Those sites are so different from the personal blogging though, that my personal writing itch would like a scratching now and then -- (like the pups' ears).
Speaking of writing. I'm so thrilled that one of my articles has been accepted for a Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and a second story has made it to the final round. I had previously been published in two of the Cup of Comfort series. Other than those submissions, I have not really written new stuff for the print markets. So this was a blessing.
If the canine kids knew that their capers were not being shared, I wonder how they'd feel? Neglected? Relieved? Hmm. Well, here goes. Daisy still scratches, in spite of all the stuff that's been tried to alleviate the problem. Hopefully, it will calm down in the colder weather. Mitzi continues to clean Daisy's eyes, and demand that I join her in a tug of war with one of her 10 ropes. When she's really happy, she performs her Bichon blitz.
Well, that's a brief update for the few friends who might check up on me. See ya' later!
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