I penned those words a half century ago! That was the day I chose Philippians 3:10 as my life’s verse. That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.Shivering, I pulled a blanket around my shoulders. The edge of the small roll-away bed where I sat sagged like my spirits. I was troubled and bewildered. “God, talk to me,” I whispered as I opened my Bible.
Increasing domestic problems had enslaved me in hopeless, helpless defeat. But now, a glimmer of hope pulsated within. I had no idea what the future held or how I would manage, and yet the uncertainty and fear of the unknown vanished. God was with me. He had spoken to me. My life was in His hands. Since that time, the Lord has taken me through many "gateways" on the road to His throne.
Like Esther of the Bible, the disciples on the road to Emmaus were being prepared. The preparation was intense. Part of our preparation will be an intensity of spiritual cleansings and anointings. Let's not look for an escape, or put up our defenses. The disciples failed to understand the reason for the crucifixion until they witnessed the resurrection.
We are on a road called Life. It is leading straight to the throne of God. If you seem to have encountered roadblocks along the way, be encouraged. Jesus knows how to recalculate the route. When you walk with Him you are in good company.
How have you connected with Him through your ups and downs?
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