Gateways To Growth and Maturity Through the Life of Esther
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Blessings to you on this blessed Christmas day
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Let It Snow?
Last year, I shoveled paths for the dogs to plow through. When the wind blew, the paths became tunnels! I kid you not. The top of each path blew shut, but the bottom remained open. I couldn't have done that had I tried. My neighbors thought I was a very clever snow-crafter. The tunnels were more creative than their snow men. This winter I'd rather settle for a simple "dusting" that my broom could handle.
How about you?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The happy blogger -- I think
Cleaning Out Clutter
A new year is soon upon us – a new start! I know what I’ll do. I’ll begin by cleaning out clutter. I’ll start with the closeted clothing that hasn’t been worn for too many years to count. Frowning, I leaf through hangers. (Listen in on a conversation that I have with myself).
“That one?” (But it was a favorite.)
“Well then, why haven’t you worn it for twenty years?” (OK, out it goes)
“What about that antique?” (Well, it might come back in style again – they always do. Look how I got rid of those nice velour sets and now they’re the fashion).
“Well, what about that blouse? You’ve had it forever!” (Oh, I know everyone in church will recognize it . . . but I should be able to wear it soon, cuz the old timers are all dying off. . .). Certainly, I’m not an old timer yet.
At this point, the thought hits – is that a sign of old age or bad health – or both? Maybe neither. Was it just their time to go? Perhaps their purpose here had been fulfilled. Hmm. In my pursuit of purpose, it may be needful to concentrate on my thinking as well as my closet.
Does this New Year find me with new purpose – or perhaps new resources to fulfill an already defined goal? Is the pathway to that purpose the same as before? Or do I need to try another, perhaps less traveled road: One that has no familiar landmarks?
Do I anticipate new pathways with excitement? Or with dread? How will the meaning of my existence unfold throughout each month that lies ahead? Each week? Or even each day? At the close of any given day, will I find the answer to a deep heart cry – why am I here? Am I making a difference?
When I sit staring at a blank computer screen, will the words begin to flow from within, waiting for my mind to catch up? Will the awesome presence of God enhance my daily endeavors this year? Will each today contain bubbles of joy that spill out to lighten someone’s load and transform a frown into a smile? Or will a present or past grief or pain cloud the room with shadows? After all, I’ve lost so many dear friends these past few years. My loss was Your gain, Lord.
What purpose fills my hand for each today that lies before me? What melodies fill the atmosphere around my life?
Yes, Lord, I think I’ll get back to uncluttering (or is it decluttering?) Whatever – Like Hezekiah, I’ll work at ridding out the rubbish from this temple (my life), inwardly as well as outwardly, so that hopefully, your purposes are playing their tunes in and through me throughout this year.
You’ve been speaking to my heart through this crazy BLOG thingee, Lord. Thanks. Guess I’ll end with a prayer:
Lord, give me the grace to allow You to fulfill Your purpose for me in the days ahead. Amen.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sad news for us -- but rejoicing for them
Jan had accompanied me to India on a missions trip in 1994. We had also worked together in several settings. She was one of my very dear friends, and even though we did not see one another often in more recent times, she will be missed. One of my most impressive memories of Jan is the day she had completely severed an index finger with a power saw. She scooped it up, drove herself to the hospital, and told them, "sew it on, I'm a pianist." They did sew it on, but it was inoperative -- and yet Jan continued to play piano beautifully. What a gal.
That's not the end of the story. Just two days ago, I received a call from India. My good friend, Marian Butler, also joined the heavenly host. I'm sure she was surprised to find that Jan had gotten there first. Marian hosted us in India, and introduced us to many folks to pray with and arranged for us to minister in various churches. Marian and I loved the River of God. She visited the states on numerous occasions, and always cooked Indian curry for me when she came. In fact, Marian taught me how to turn leftovers into a tasty curried feast. I'll miss her phone calls. She would say, "Hello, Sweetheart! This is Marian in India . . ."
Lord, thank You for memories so sweet........... and for gracing my life with their friendship.
Friday, December 10, 2010
We have a new howse mate . . .
Thank yu. Luv, Mitzi
PS - Daisy sez hi.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Giants in the land, part 2
I believe part of the secret to slaying the giant(s) within, is to name it, and then apply the Word of God to it. I've found that the sword of the Spirit will cut it off when I use it. I must confess that most of the time I don't realize that Indecision has slipped in. So perhaps I first need to pray for the Holy Spirit to signal me at the first sign of a quandry over a choice.
Any suggestions?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I've been told that I'm not wrapped too tight
Monday, November 22, 2010
Say what?
Mom took Daisy to the groomer a few weeks ago, so I shivered in expectation cuz I knew I would be next. My groomer is different that Daisy's because there's a man at Daisy's grooming place. I don't like men very much until I get to know them. Anyhow, my groomer is a lady who hugs and snuggles me, and smooches me. She tries to butter me up, but I know what she is up to.
So last Monday mom told me it was time for my groomer appointment. That's when I looked up and said, "Say what?" I tried my best with whimpering little sounds, and heart-tugging looks to tell her that I didn't want a skinny clip. It's getting too cold! Guess what? It worked! When we got to the groomer, mom told her, "I just want you to give her a scissor cut this time. It's too cold, and she is looking so cute this way." I know it takes longer for mom to brush me but I sure am glad she understood my whimperings. I told Daisy that we really do have good mom.
What do you think?
Friday, November 19, 2010
Does God blog?
Is yours?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I'm a proud mama
"Best friends are willing to go the extra mile for one another. There is nothing that we would not attempt to do to lighten the burden of our best friend. We sense the pain, the suffering, the stress, and the needs of our friends and we step in to lighten the load.
"These are just a few attributes of true friendship. Christ presents all these to us. He desires fellowship, quality time with each of us. We have found so much stuff to occupy us that often we neglect quality time with Jesus. Are we as open and intimate with Christ as we are in our best friendships? We put aside this time on Sunday to be with Christ, but does our friendship with Christ offer quality time with Him the remaining six days of the week? I have to confess that my time is sometimes pretty limited. What would you or I be willing to change or give up in our lives that we would be able to give the time needed to improve on a true relationship as a friend with Christ?
"I have been challenged this week in my preparations to look closely at my relationship with God as a true friend. Am I open with Him about everything, or do I beat around the bush in my conversation with Him? Do I even bother to consider Him in everything that I am about? I offer to you this morning that regardless of where you feel you are in your personal relationship with God, He desires your friendship even more. What can you do about it? He wants us to stay in touch."
That's good stuff! Don't you agree?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Cutting off the heads of the giants in the land
For example, the giant called Impatience. He pops up when he is least expected. Things are going great, and all of a sudden something happens -- a glitch in the program -- and presto! Impatience is on the scene, center stage. You seemingly get him under control with a dab of an apologetic prayer. OK. Now we can get on with the daily events. You decide on a hot dog for lunch. With catsup. The bottle is empty. No problem, you like mustard with onions. You peel the onion, cut it up, get the mustard. Oops. Forgot the hot dog was cooking. Rather, overcooking. In your attempt to rescue it, you burn yourself and drop the dog -- which is the cue for the two Bichon retrievers to do their thing. There went the dog -- the hot dog, that is. Oh well, you weren't that hungry. Want to settle for the bun?
Impatience is just dying to get in on the act. You can almost feel him crowding you out. But instead, you give him a poke with the tip of your sword. I will bless the Lord at all times, you sing. And off comes his head. You are learning that you are the land, and the giants are the nasty little foxes that have grown up inside you.
What giants have you befriended? You have a sword. Use it. If they are not too big, a stone might do.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Writing favor continues in spite of misgivings
New guide dog giving new freedom
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I'm either very brave or unbelievably dumb
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A postscript to the previous post
Monday, November 1, 2010
A praise for the Lord's favor
Morgan Hahn's story reminds me of the marvel of forgiveness, and the healing balm that it provides. When I recall the trauma caused by the senseless murder of Morgan's wife and son, I can't help but wonder how I would have handled such an injustice -- and the unbearable emotion pain that he endured. When I was interviewing Morgan, crying with him, no -- sobbing with him -- as I probed for the horrid details. He had agreed to allow me to write his story because, as he said, Lana (his murdered wife) would want it done. Taking Morgan back into the painful feelings of that tragic night tore him up -- and yet it proved to be the start of the healing process in his life.
I've seen Morgan several times since I've done his story. The Lord has blessed his life, and the greatest victory has been his grace to forgive. Could I have done that? Could you? Read his story. Click on the link above, or you can find it on Facebook.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Gracie Joy
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Gracie Joy Bauder |
Janet reminded me of the time I did one of my "flying nun" acts and landed in the flower bed -- while she waited in the car wondering what was taking me so long. Ah yes. As my writing mentor, Anne Sirna, used to tell me (with wonderment in her eyes) -- "How wonderful. The Lord has given you so many interesting things to write about!"
Well, Janet, you and David picked a winner with Gracie.
New writing challenges on my plate
They suggest publishing at least 3 articles per week with a photo. The articles are to be newsworthy and at least 50% of them should be local. A challenge indeed has flown from the horizon to my plate. The good news is that they will take reprints providing the original publisher allows. The tricky part is that I consider myself an inspirational writer. I'm counting on the Lord to teach me to inspire in this secular arena. Thanks, y'all for your support. --Penny
Sunday, October 24, 2010
It was a plot . . .
P.S. I warned her that she would see it in print. Here 'tis.
* Agape [pronounced ah-gah-pay]
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
She did it again
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Mitzi |
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Daisy |
It was dark and cool, and it was raining a little, but we didn't mind that. We went past a few homes and came to a neat place in one of the yards that had a lot of interesting smells. So we stopped there to sniff around. All of a sudden a car pulled up beside us, a door opened, and I heard, "Mitzi, Daisy, c'mon." Caught. Daisy looked at me and I looked at her, and then back at Mom. She smiled, and said, "Good girls, c'mon, let's go for a ride."
Now I'm not too fond of car rides, but that was right up Daisy's alley. She flew to the car, dragging me alongside. Mom got out and let us in the front seat, with our wet, dirty feet. She never lets us up front with dirty feet. I mean, never! She drove us home, praised us for not going on the roads and staying in the Park. Then she escorted us into the house, dried us with a towel, and the whole time she was laughing and saying, "I can't believe it. I did it again." It's strange but Mom is still laughing. I wonder what's so funny?
Will you tell me?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Steps to Emmaus
I penned those words a half century ago! That was the day I chose Philippians 3:10 as my life’s verse. That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.Shivering, I pulled a blanket around my shoulders. The edge of the small roll-away bed where I sat sagged like my spirits. I was troubled and bewildered. “God, talk to me,” I whispered as I opened my Bible.
Increasing domestic problems had enslaved me in hopeless, helpless defeat. But now, a glimmer of hope pulsated within. I had no idea what the future held or how I would manage, and yet the uncertainty and fear of the unknown vanished. God was with me. He had spoken to me. My life was in His hands. Since that time, the Lord has taken me through many "gateways" on the road to His throne.
Like Esther of the Bible, the disciples on the road to Emmaus were being prepared. The preparation was intense. Part of our preparation will be an intensity of spiritual cleansings and anointings. Let's not look for an escape, or put up our defenses. The disciples failed to understand the reason for the crucifixion until they witnessed the resurrection.
We are on a road called Life. It is leading straight to the throne of God. If you seem to have encountered roadblocks along the way, be encouraged. Jesus knows how to recalculate the route. When you walk with Him you are in good company.
How have you connected with Him through your ups and downs?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
New Opportunities in the Writing Realm
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Treasures of Darkness
We need to search for treasures in the ordinary. We don't always appreciate the seemingly mundane tasks or the uniqueness of the ordinary soul. But ordinary events are gates, doors to the extraordinary. On a starlit night, which seemed to be an ordinary night, there burst forth a new Star, pointing out the resting place of a new order of Creation in a New Day. This One Who would change the course of human history forevermore was cradled in an ordinary manger in an ordinary stable.
But this was no ordinary babe. It was the birthplace of a King. A Treasure had come to a sin-sick world - a Treasure in the midst of darkness. A heavenly King, disguised in human flesh, walked among men who were ordinary. His touch became the magic that transformed ordinary lives into vessels of honor - even as ordinary water was turned into wine at the wedding at Cana. He showed us that He saves the best for last, so that our ordinary lives would no longer seem futile, but fulfilled.
We, like Nicodemus, learned that a second birth released us from the dungeon of darkness to thrust us forth into Light, into the Kingdom of His dear Son. "Seek first the Kingdom of God," He said. "Consider the lilies" -- "Let not your heart be troubled" -- "Come unto Me" -- "Go and sin no more."
He demonstrated the Power of Peace, spoken to the wind and the waves; and His cry in Gethsemane's ghetto, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from Me," poured out in blood and tears to become for us the prayer that never fails -- "Nevertheless, not My will, but Thine be done." And new meaning comes to the darkness. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
The grave clothes could no longer bind Him; the tomb can no longer hold Him. Darkness would no longer diffuse His Light. Human flesh no longer conceals His Glory. The wonder of His resurrection is that we too, become treasures within the darkness - for we have this treasure in our earthen vessels. Now we can proclaim with certainty, He is coming again! We rehearse His words: "In a little while you will not see me, but I am coming for you."
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I Know She Didn't Mean It
"Daisy, what did you do?" I demanded (Well, what did it look like, Dummy?)
"It wasn't my fault," she seemed to impudently bark.
"What am I going to do with you?" I sighed.
"Just stay home or take me with you," her cute little face pleaded.
I got out the roll of scotch tape and taped the broken slats together. Then I moved the couch farther away from the window. I wonder if it will do any good? If not, there's always an adoption agency. Nah. What would Mitzi do?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Flu Shot Flurry
We stood in line to sign up, then stood in line to receive a paper, then stood in line for approval for what we wrote on the paper (?) then stood in line to FINALLY receive the injection that was going to keep us healthy all winter. What in the past took about twenty minutes was running into the second hour. Now, I know we were all senior citizens, but c'mon. We might be old, but we're not stupid. This was enough to make you downright grumpy if it wasn't so entertaining.
"My time is valuable," said one of the grumps. "Unbelievable," complained another. "I'm leaving," announced a dear soul as she marched to the door. "Hey, that guy came in after me. How did he get up there?" Meanwhile, the nurse was chattering away to a "customer" she happened to know -- while we not so patiently waited. An elderly woman helped her husband to find a chair. He was on oxygen and used a walker. (Seating was not provided.)
After 50 minutes I finally reached the execution chair and rolled up my sleeve. When the needle hit, I yelled, "Ouch!" Scared the bejeepers out of the nurse and the room full of candidates lost their tans. One meek soul squeaked, "Did that hurt?" The now silent nurse whispered, "Did that sting?"
"Just kiddin'," I said -- and everyone breathed again. Yep, it's time for the flu shot. Did you get yours yet? I'll bet you won't have as much fun as I did.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
About an hour on my way, I realized that I'd forgotten my garment bag with all my outfits for the week of services. Groaning inwardly, I turned around and headed back the way I’d come. Checking the time, I realized my plans would have to change. Most likely, I’d have to skip lunch and do a really quick shower.
I had planned to wash my hair and shave my legs – guess I’d skip that too. But wait. I could at least take care of the legs now. I kept a cosmetic bag in the glove compartment. It contained a razor. So I retrieved the razor, propped my foot on the dash, pushed up my pant leg and proceeded to shave away.
One eye on the road and the other on my leg, I happened to sense an automobile passing by. I glanced over, and lo and behold, a state police car. I slid my foot into place on the floor just as he looked over at me. We locked eyes, he nodded, I smiled sheepishly, and he passed by. Miracle of miracles, he did not motion me to pull over. Eyes focused straight ahead, I held my breath as he sped away. Oh the wonderful mercy of God to allow an angel to temporarily block his vision!
What a lesson I learned that day as I thought about my foolish action. Sure, I could have been pulled over, arrested, given a ticket, and perhaps even miss the meeting for which I was scheduled. Worst scenario, I might have caused an accident, injured, or even killed someone or even myself.
Years before, when I attended classes in a seminary, I used to study Greek verb conjugations on the way to class. Yes, in the car while I drove. Fine example.
Whenever I have related the above incident, it has gotten a round of laughter. But what seemed funny at the time could have resulted in tragedy. We hear much about the dangers of using hand-held devices while driving. Laws are being passed prohibiting their use. As Christians, we really should not need the legislation. I’ve repented of my foolish actions, and thank God for His mercy to me.
Distractions can be dangerous in our spiritual lives as well. My spiritual journey will be enriched as I guard against unnecessary interruptions to my devotional time and other spiritual exercises. My wonderful Lord deserves my full attention. Distractions really can be disastrous when we don’t keep our eyes on the road ahead -- fixed on Jesus.
Care to share what distracts you?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Watching Over Us
Friday, October 1, 2010
Tina's New Dog Guide
Monday, September 27, 2010
"...And Then There Was The Time...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Cross is the Gateway to His Glorious Kingdom
(Quotation from Gateways to Growth and Maturity through the book of Esther - See Esther 1:4)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Writer's Journal
Friday, September 17, 2010
Comments on Thoughts About Guidance
"Perhaps the subject of divine guidance can be put in terms of the methodology that is often employed in the guiding of those that are visually impaired. One method is called "sighted guide" and it basically involves the blind person grasping the arm of the sighted guide who then remains one step ahead of the visually impaired individual. This insures close enough contact that will give the blind person warning of obstacles, ascending or
descending stairs and narrow passages. One step behind the Lord... not lagging behind and not straining too far forward.
"The same can be applied to the use of a dog guide. If I lag too far behind my dog, he/she is obliged to essentially drag me along and if I try to go ahead of the dog, he or she cannot warn me of oncoming traffic that I may not detect, holes in the sidewalk that could break something important or the edge of a train platform that could spell disaster if I overstepped it.
"The same is true in the guidance of our Lord. If we overstep or lag behind we are at cross-purposes with His will in our lives and will eventually be compelled to go around the mountain again.
When will we ever learn?"
Tina Luce
Penny Comment:
I like the scripture, "I will guide thee with mine eye". Lord, may I stay near enough to see which way Your eye is looking. For Tina, may she keep her hand in the Hand of her Divine Guide.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Runaway Pooches
Thoughts on Guidance
Do you have a thought on guidance? I'd like to hear it.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Was very shrewd you will agree
He took His name, the highest blend
Completed the job of man's best friend
He took His holy name of GOD
and turned it backwards to make dog.
(Written by my brother)
A Day of Restoration - A Word for the Hour
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Getting the hang of it . . .
Lord, make me as persistent as the weeds in my flower garden!
Welcome To Followers
Love ya'.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Pesty Pooches --- (Pampered too!)
Penny -- the lapless one