Gateways To Growth and Maturity Through the Life of Esther

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Memory Lane

My Writer’s Journal has served as a “book of remembrance” that I open from time to time. I came across this entry today, which I had also published in my spring 1996 Newsletter. Walk down Memory Lane with me as you read:

“Lord, I never did like that sticky stuff! I wanted to be sure that Beau (my Dalmatian) didn’t strangle himself in the cord from the mini blind, so in my effort to move it, I got trapped in a strip of flypaper hanging from the ceiling. (Remember that stuff?) Now, that paper had hung there for a week and only caught three flies. How come it zapped me? There I was all dressed for church and wrapped in sticky, gooey stuff. I just couldn’t get it off my hands.

“Later, as I played my guitar for the worship service, a fly kept landing on my nose. I wonder why?”
 "You reminded me, Lord, that life sometimes gets “sticky.” We can get into situations that just won’t let go. But what I desire, Lord, is to get so close to You that You just can’t get me off Your hands. This road to intimacy with You began at the old gold chair on my knees in the dinky blue and white mobile home in the mountain. I was desperately crying out to You when You said, “I’ve been waiting to be gracious to you. I’ve heard your cry, and I’ll not hide from you any longer” (a word from Isaiah 30). That was the beginning of a wonderful romance. Thank You, Lord, for “sticking” by me.                                                                                                        Love, Penny"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Are you ready for a God moment?

We have “God moments” – called such because they are of God. God is in them. We are quickened. God’s breath is on our cheek. Time seems to stop, or at least stand still – for a profound moment. As recorded in Luke 2:32, Jesus was to be a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of His people Israel. Simeon was waiting for Light and Glory for Gentile and Jew.

Max Lucado writes in One Incredible Moment, “Simeon: the man who knew how to wait for the arrival of Christ. The way he waited for the first coming is a model for how we should wait for the Second Coming.” Simeon’s moment occurred 40 days after the birth of Jesus, according to the Law of Moses. The days of Mary’s purification were accomplished. The parents took their child from Bethlehem to the temple in Jerusalem, along with their sacrifice of “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons” (as prescribed in Leviticus). The Holy Ghost had spoken to Simeon before these events, according to Luke 2:26; and in the next verse we learn that when they came to the house of God it was customary to come with an offering. However, in verse 27 we see that there is another way to come. Simeon came “by the Spirit”. It was a God moment.
Anna had her God moment by confirming Simeon’s prophecy about the birth of Jesus. Mary, we learn, “kept all these things in her heart.” For Mary, it was one moment among many – and more to come. Simeon and Anna had waited for this moment – the arrival of Jesus – and it came; their God moment. We too, are waiting for the arrival of Jesus in His Second Coming. Simeon and Anna give us a formula for success:

How to Wait for His Arrival 
  1. See - Commit to it. Allow God to open your spiritual eyes.
  2. Hear – Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings.
  3. Come – To the temple. He is within. Commune with Him. There is a way to wait and a way to come. Simeon had vision. He had already “seen” in His spirit
Simeon was just and devout Let this short lesson speak to your heart. True, we live in troubled times. The worst kind of vandalism is spiritual wreckage in a life. Guard against it. Be ready to sound an alarm. Do not allow Satan to steal your peace or your joy.