Gateways To Growth and Maturity Through the Life of Esther

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Windy Woes

Some of the damages
We have experienced severe wind storms over the past several days. I was wondering if a tornado was on the way. Yesterday, the manufactured home in which I live suffered damages. The skirting on three of the four sides blew off completely. Many of the panels were torn. I chased them as they blew into the wooded area behind the home. I prayed that the siding would not be stripped as well. This is a major damage with which to cope. All of the under flooring is exposed. I'll post a photo when I have one. If this need comes to mind, please pray for a rapid resolution. Thank you!

Monday, February 7, 2011

...and the puppy plot thickens

Many of you are aware that Hershey's mommy is in a rehab setting after illness and subsequent surgery. So Hershey has two of us who are taking care of him. You also know that Mitzi and Daisy are with me most of the time. Today, a medical emergency arose, which left another little puddle jumper in need of a temporary home. His mommy is in the hospital. I had heard about it, and thought, well I can't help with this. My hands are full. The little guy was on his way to a kennel. He had never been in a kennel before. How much trouble could this little guy be? I couldn't stand it. I picked up the phone, made the call and said, "Let's give it a try for a few days and see if it can be worked out. So Riley is with Ruthie tonight and will be coming here tomorrow morning. (Pray for me.)    -- PS -- Riley did return home. Isn't he a cute little tyke?