Gateways To Growth and Maturity Through the Life of Esther

Monday, September 27, 2010

"...And Then There Was The Time...

...We decided to have a spaghetti dinner together at T's house. They invited the pastor and his wife, and I would bring Marian, my house guest from India. "I'll bring the sauce," I said. "Okay, I'll make the spaghetti," said Mrs. T, "and we can make ice cream too." I whipped up my famous Italian sauce, cooked it all day long, and proceeded to transport it to the T's house when -- whoops! Guess I took that curve a bit too fast! Not sure how it happened, but I heard the crock pot lid rattle, and over it went --spilling all over the floor in the back of the car. I pulled over but the damage had been done. Mr. T sucked the sauce off the floor (with a machine that does that stuff), and the pastor went to the store for a few jars of Ragu. Mrs. T's spaghetti could have fed the 28th National Guard! She had made 3 lb packages instead of 3 half lb. packages. Poor Marian. "I smelled it all day and never even got to taste it," she said.
PS -- The ice cream? Don't even ask.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Cross is the Gateway to His Glorious Kingdom

"When we cannot reconcile our Christian experience with our sufferings, our failures, and our troubles; when the deep gnawing within finds no satisfaction; when a divine restlessness grips our hearts, we need to consider once again the Cross. Our King desires to show us the riches of His glorious Kingdom and the honor of His excellent majesty. He desires to turn our water into wine."
(Quotation from Gateways to Growth and Maturity through the book of Esther - See Esther 1:4)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Writer's Journal

The writing efforts are bearing fruit. Several of my articles have been accepted for publication this month. I so appreciate all those who pray for me. I don't take that lightly. After being away from the craft, at least in this capacity for a time, there are many changes to get used to. There are questions. Will my overstuffed computer hold up until I am able to get a new one? Do my skills measure up to minister to today's culture -- for even the Christian culture has changed significantly. I surely do need Your favor, Lord. As I connect with other writers at conferences, writers' groups, etc., I am struck by the many local skilled writers who are out there. What can I possibly add, Lord? Yet, in my "knower" I know that You challenged me. I'll have to answer for any calling on my life that has been laid aside. Thus, a little poem that I wrote so many years ago has taken center stage. It was entitled "Not Write?" Writing isn't really the problem. The marketing is a constant challenge. I guess that's why I blog.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Comments on Thoughts About Guidance

I am publishing this post for friend, Tina Luce (Eyes of Faith ministry). Tina is visually impaired, but I'm sure it is only a matter of time before she can navigate around my blog to insert her own comments. She sent this comment to me by e-mail. It is so insightful, coming from her perspective, that I just had to share it (with her permission). Thanks Tina!

"Perhaps the subject of divine guidance can be put in terms of the methodology that is often employed in the guiding of those that are visually impaired. One method is called "sighted guide" and it basically involves the blind person grasping the arm of the sighted guide who then remains one step ahead of the visually impaired individual. This insures close enough contact that will give the blind person warning of obstacles, ascending or
descending stairs and narrow passages. One step behind the Lord... not lagging behind and not straining too far forward.

"The same can be applied to the use of a dog guide. If I lag too far behind my dog, he/she is obliged to essentially drag me along and if I try to go ahead of the dog, he or she cannot warn me of oncoming traffic that I may not detect, holes in the sidewalk that could break something important or the edge of a train platform that could spell disaster if I overstepped it.

"The same is true in the guidance of our Lord. If we overstep or lag behind we are at cross-purposes with His will in our lives and will eventually be compelled to go around the mountain again.

When will we ever learn?"
Tina Luce

Penny Comment:
I like the scripture, "I will guide thee with mine eye". Lord, may I stay near enough to see which way Your eye is looking. For Tina, may she keep her hand in the Hand of her Divine Guide.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Runaway Pooches

It wasn't their fault -- for a change. I fastened the canine kids to one of those double clasp thingees (don't know what they're called). Then I normally attach the thingee to a long lead from porch to yard. Well, I reckon I had a senior moment, cuz I let the pooches out the door (on the double strap) without attaching it to the lead. About 5 minutes later, a loud knock on the door caught me unawares. "Who's there?" I called. No answer. There I stood in robe and bare feet. Could it be son #2 who sometimes stops by in the morning? I peeked out the window. No, his truck wasn't there. I wonder why the dogs didn't bark? I opened the door a crack and spotted the young lady leaving the porch. "Did you knock, hon?" I asked. "Yes," she answered. "Did you know your dogs are loose? You don't usually let them loose, so I was worried." Bless her, Lord! The pooches, joined together, were romping around the side of the house with glee. The helpful neighbor retrieved them, and the pooches joyfully continued their capers in the living room. Thus, the start of another day with the brave little Bichons. Gotta love 'em!

Thoughts on Guidance

The quality of God’s “preferred” guidance is subtle. It is given through relationship with Him. It is simple. The better you know God, the less you need specific instructions or complicated procedures. It is special. In other words, it is specialized for you. A common mistake we make is in jumping too soon. The opposite mistake from that is in waiting too long to act. If there is no “green light” we should proceed with caution.
Do you have a thought on guidance? I'd like to hear it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When God made them the plan you see
Was very shrewd you will agree
He took His name, the highest blend
Completed the job of man's best friend
He took His holy name of GOD
and turned it backwards to make dog.
(Written by my brother)

A Day of Restoration - A Word for the Hour

There is a day at hand in which believers of every description will begin to take back what the enemy has stolen from the body of Christ. As the pressures increase, joy will supersede them; as discouraging situations crowd our lives, this refreshing restoration will renew the strength of the weary. Those who have felt the pain of failure will rise up to the spiritual potential, which is their rightful inheritance in Christ. Fear not, little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting the hang of it . . .

Don't know if I ever will.
Lord, make me as persistent as the weeds in my flower garden!

Welcome To Followers

An easy way to connect with this blog is to become a follower. Just click on the "Follower" thing-a-ma-jig (widget) to the right of the page, insert your ID (name, initials, whatever), and I'll know you were here. Better yet, leave a comment to prove you actually read it. Please bear with me while I try to develop blogging skills!
Love ya'.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pesty Pooches --- (Pampered too!)

They are wonderful -- and wicked! Two peas in a pod are Mitzi and Daisy -- little white fluffy Bichon Frisse` doggies. How did this happen to me? I'm a large dog person. Or even medium. I owned a miniature daschund once, for 18 years. He was on my lap for 18 years too. Oh, I wouldn't have traded him for anything, but when he went to doggie heaven, I decided I would now own my own lap (except for the grands, of course). Now, here I am with two inherited rescue doggies -- you guessed it -- on my lap!
Penny -- the lapless one

Gateways To Growth

Lord, help me to deal with my imperfections in the way that is spiritually profitable. As Fenlon wrote, "to neither justify them nor to condemn them -- but to offer them to You," and abide in Your peace.